Dec 13

RC Motorsports -- 12-13-2003

Top Qualifier for 1/10 Sedan Stock: 
   Willie Allen with 31/5:03.99

        -- 1/10 Sedan Stock - B  MAIN --
pos Car Laps    time     name                id
  1   1  21     4:09.27 Shane Davenport      15 
  2   5  21     4:09.40 Eddie Fry             5 
  3   4  19     4:00.64 Brett McGee           2 
  4   2  16     4:05.83 Hunter Hayes         14 
  5   3  13     3:23.41 John Bartleson       13 

                         -- 1/10 Sedan Stock --B  MAIN --
nCar-> __1__  __2__  __3__  __4__  __5__  __6__  __7__  __8__  __9__  __0__
  1    14.6    9.4   17.9   10.3   11.7                                    
  2     9.7   11.7   12.1   12.2   11.6                                    
  3    10.2   11.1   51.4   12.3   10.7                                    
  4    10.5   11.0   11.7   16.2   10.2                                    
  5    10.3   16.5   15.5   11.3   10.3                                    
  6    20.5   23.2   13.0   10.1   10.4                                    
  7    10.5    6.7   12.5   10.3   11.1                                    
  8    10.6   57.3   11.6   32.7   14.2                                    
  9    11.1   10.9   11.0   10.3   11.6                                    
 10    10.2   11.0   10.7    9.9   14.4                                    
 11    10.3   12.8   12.9   13.7   11.7                                    
 12    10.6   11.3   10.8   11.2   10.5                                    
 13    11.7   11.4   11.5   10.6   16.1                                    
 14    10.7   17.6          12.9   10.6                                    
 15    12.6   11.8           9.7   10.8                                    
 16    11.3   11.3          10.0   11.1                                    
 17    10.5                 10.8   11.0                                    
 18    11.1                 11.0   16.8                                    
 19    11.1                 14.3   11.1                                    
 20    18.3                        11.8                                    
 21    11.8                        10.7                                    
      _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____
laps    21     16     13     19     21                                     
time  249.2  245.8  203.4  240.6  249.4                                   

        -- 1/10 Sedan Stock - A  MAIN --
pos Car Laps    time     name                id
  1   1  32     5:05.19 Willie Allen         10 
  2   3  31     5:09.78 Keith Lane            8 
  3   2  29     5:04.59 Jason Graham          6 
  4   4  14     2:20.47 Heath Mahar          18 
 --   5  --- DNS ---    Troy Williams         9

                         -- 1/10 Sedan Stock --A  MAIN --
nCar-> __1__  __2__  __3__  __4__  __5__  __6__  __7__  __8__  __9__  __0__
  1     8.2   11.7   12.7    9.0                                           
  2     9.6   10.3   11.1   10.2                                           
  3    10.0    9.4    9.7    9.5                                           
  4     9.6    9.5    9.9   10.0                                           
  5    10.0   13.8   10.1    9.5                                           
  6     9.4   13.1    9.6    9.6                                           
  7     9.5   11.4    9.8    9.7                                           
  8     9.0    9.5    9.6   10.5                                           
  9     9.4   12.8    9.4    9.3                                           
 10     9.3    9.4   10.0   10.0                                           
 11     9.1   10.1    9.3    9.6                                           
 12     9.1    9.8    9.5    9.5                                           
 13     9.2    9.8    9.8    9.6                                           
 14     9.8    9.8    9.9   13.9                                           
 15     9.6   13.5    9.4                                                  
 16    12.9    9.0   10.5                                                  
 17     9.2    9.9   10.0                                                  
 18     9.1   11.6    9.8                                                  
 19     9.2   11.0    9.7                                                  
 20     9.2    9.8    9.4                                                  
 21    10.0    9.7    9.8                                                  
 22     9.2    9.5    9.6                                                  
 23     9.3    9.5   10.8                                                  
 24    10.8   10.2    9.7                                                  
 25     9.1    9.5    9.9                                                  
 26     9.7   10.0    9.5                                                  
 27     9.1   10.0    9.6                                                  
 28     9.0    9.6    9.4                                                  
 29     9.0    9.8   10.9                                                  
 30     9.1           9.7                                                  
 31     9.6          10.1                                                  
 32     9.3                                                                
      _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____
laps    32     29     31     14                                            
time  305.1  304.5  309.7  140.4                                          

Top Qualifier for 1/10 Sedan ProMod: 
   Scott Fuller with 35/5:04.49

       -- 1/10 Sedan ProMod - A  MAIN --
pos Car Laps    time     name                id    avg.mph
  1   5  30     5:06.62 TJ Moore             16     33.35
  2   2  27     5:03.15 Brad 2               12     30.36
  3   4  26     5:09.47 Darryl                4     28.64
  4   3   9     1:28.68 Brad Norris          11     34.60
  5   1   6     1:02.90 Scott Fuller          1     32.52

                        -- 1/10 Sedan ProMod --A  MAIN --
nCar-> __1__  __2__  __3__  __4__  __5__  __6__  __7__  __8__  __9__  __0__
  1     7.3   10.2    9.3    7.9    8.5                                    
  2     8.4    9.9    9.8    8.3    9.0                                    
  3     8.7    9.1   11.6    8.4    9.5                                    
  4    12.2   10.2    9.1    8.5    9.0                                    
  5    10.6   12.7    9.1    9.1    9.2                                    
  6    15.4   18.6   10.3    9.2    9.3                                    
  7           10.2    9.5    9.2    8.9                                    
  8           12.9    9.9    8.5   14.9                                    
  9            9.4    9.7    8.4    9.4                                    
 10           10.9           8.6   14.3                                    
 11            9.6           8.8    9.6                                    
 12           10.0           8.6    9.2                                    
 13            9.4           9.3    9.2                                    
 14            9.8           8.7    9.7                                    
 15            9.4           8.8   10.0                                    
 16           10.6           8.6    9.7                                    
 17           12.7           9.3    9.2                                    
 18           11.0           9.4   14.5                                    
 19           10.8          10.3   16.6                                    
 20           10.4          14.7    9.6                                    
 21           13.5          15.7    9.5                                    
 22           10.5          14.1    9.6                                    
 23           15.4          16.0    9.5                                    
 24           10.9          18.4    9.3                                    
 25           10.2          21.1    9.7                                    
 26           10.0          40.3    9.3                                    
 27           13.6                  9.4                                    
 28                                 9.8                                    
 29                                10.2                                    
 30                                 9.7                                    
      _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____
laps     6     27      9     26     30                                     
time   62.8  303.1   88.6  309.4  306.6                                   

Top Qualifier for 1/10 Sedan 19-turn: 
   Eric Anderson with 36/5:01.69

       -- 1/10 Sedan 19-turn - A  MAIN --
pos Car Laps    time     name                id
  1   1  35     5:01.80 Eric Anderson        20 
  2   4  18     5:01.90 Jody Womack          23 
  3   5  14     2:20.36 Keith Lane            7 
  4   3   3     0:40.56 David Rose           17 
 --   2  --- DNS ---    Mike Principato      24

                        -- 1/10 Sedan 19-turn --A  MAIN --
nCar-> __1__  __2__  __3__  __4__  __5__  __6__  __7__  __8__  __9__  __0__
  1     6.8          11.1  131.7    9.7                                    
  2     9.1          15.7   12.3   10.0                                    
  3     8.4          13.6    8.2   14.4                                    
  4     8.1                  8.3   10.1                                    
  5     8.3                 12.0   10.4                                    
  6     8.0                  8.3    9.1                                    
  7     8.9                  8.2    9.0                                    
  8     8.3                  8.0    9.5                                    
  9     8.2                  8.1   10.4                                    
 10     8.1                  8.0    9.4                                    
 11     8.6                  8.1    9.5                                    
 12    11.1                  8.2    9.1                                    
 13     8.2                  9.5    9.3                                    
 14     7.9                  8.3    9.7                                    
 15     7.8                  8.2                                           
 16     7.9                 17.2                                           
 17     8.9                 14.8                                           
 18     8.1                 13.5                                           
 19     9.7                                                                
 20    10.3                                                                
 21     9.7                                                                
 22     8.1                                                                
 23     8.2                                                                
 24     8.7                                                                
 25     8.4                                                                
 26     8.3                                                                
 27     8.0                                                                
 28     7.9                                                                
 29     8.1                                                                
 30     8.0                                                                
 31     9.1                                                                
 32     8.5                                                                
 33     7.9                                                                
 34    11.4                                                                
 35     9.0                                                                
      _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____
laps    35             3     18     14                                     
time  301.8          40.5  301.9  140.3                                   

Top Qualifier for 1/18th Scale Sedan: 
   Cornbread Bryant with 24/5:03.26

       -- 1/18th Scale Sedan - A  MAIN --
pos Car Laps    time     name                id    avg.mph
  1   1  24     5:04.99 Cornbread Bryant     19     5.37
  2   5  24     5:09.60 Matt Brown           22     5.29
  3   3  23     5:12.05 Willie Allen         25     5.03
  4   4  19     5:02.39 Jimmy Shoot          21     4.28

                        -- 1/18th Scale Sedan --A  MAIN --
nCar-> __1__  __2__  __3__  __4__  __5__  __6__  __7__  __8__  __9__  __0__
  1    13.1          12.6   12.8    9.7                                    
  2    12.2          16.6   18.0   12.2                                    
  3    12.3          13.8   14.7   12.2                                    
  4    12.0          13.5   12.8   12.4                                    
  5    12.1          13.0   17.5   16.8                                    
  6    12.3          14.0   18.3   12.2                                    
  7    12.0          13.0   16.1   12.2                                    
  8    12.3          14.5   17.5   12.2                                    
  9    12.1          13.0   15.8   12.5                                    
 10    11.9          12.6   14.0   13.3                                    
 11    12.3          13.1   14.3   12.9                                    
 12    11.8          13.0   19.0   12.4                                    
 13    15.2          13.0   13.8   12.2                                    
 14    12.0          13.2   14.8   16.6                                    
 15    14.4          13.0   17.0   12.8                                    
 16    15.3          13.2   15.3   12.7                                    
 17    12.5          14.1   16.8   12.5                                    
 18    12.5          12.9   15.0   12.6                                    
 19    12.3          13.1   17.9   13.2                                    
 20    12.5          13.2          12.5                                    
 21    13.4          16.6          12.1                                    
 22    12.7          12.6          12.1                                    
 23    12.1          13.4          12.2                                    
 24    12.3                        15.6                                    
      _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____
laps    24            23     19     24                                     
time  304.9         312.0  302.3  309.5                                   

Top Qualifier for Mini-T: 
   Eddie Jackson with 0/0:00.00

             -- Mini-T - A  MAIN --
pos Car Laps    time     name                id    avg.mph
  1   3  19     5:07.47 Scott Fuller         29     4.21
  2   5  17     5:20.03 Tim Moore            28     3.62
  3   1   2     0:19.14 Eddie Jackson        26     7.12
  4   4   2     0:27.48 Chris A.             27     4.96

                              -- Mini-T --A  MAIN --
nCar-> __1__  __2__  __3__  __4__  __5__  __6__  __7__  __8__  __9__  __0__
  1      .4            .3     .4     .2                                    
  2    18.7          19.0   27.0   15.7                                    
  3                  13.1          15.8                                    
  4                  13.1          24.2                                    
  5                  13.2          15.5                                    
  6                  13.1          15.9                                    
  7                  12.8          15.3                                    
  8                  17.3          15.6                                    
  9                  14.5          16.5                                    
 10                  13.0          17.1                                    
 11                  14.2          19.9                                    
 12                  15.0          13.1                                    
 13                  16.8          18.8                                    
 14                  12.8          33.9                                    
 15                  16.1          24.6                                    
 16                  29.2          30.8                                    
 17                  21.2          26.2                                    
 18                  33.0                                                  
 19                  19.0                                                  
      _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____
laps     2            19      2     17                                     
time   19.1         307.4   27.4  320.0                                   
Home Up Dec 06 Dec 13 Dec 27 Jan 17 Mar 20